Saturday, December 20, 2008

After a freezing day of walking on ice, we are now getting more snow! It all looks very beautiful, but if you've spent time in NYC after a snowstorm you know that by day two the snow will be spotted with black bits-carbon emissions? and streaked with dog urine.

So, not such a pretty time in the city.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The latest issue of New York magazine includes the annual "What we like about NYC" list. It's always a bit ethnocentric and narcissistic but fun to read.

What I like most about living here is that I can get anywhere I want to go 24/7 without having to use a car. Walked from Brooklyn to Union Square yesterday-so much fun looking at shops all dressed up for the holidays.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to the city at last

After an August of being out-of-town, visiting friends and staying at our country cabin, we are finally back in NYC. Yeah! I find city street life so much more enjoyable than being in the country, even though rural PA and Cape Cod, where our friends rented a place and kindly invited us to visit, are both very beautiful and restful.

Just walking around NYC makes me feel alive and interested in the world. (Thus the name of this new blog.)